
ALUMNI (2018- )

Pedro Fernandes Duarte

  • Pedro is currently completing his Master's program in Psychology at the University of Innsbruck. He has been part of Prof. Zentner's student research team since 2016, whose research interests lie in the area of personality psychology. Pedro has worked on children's individual differences in musical ability. Having a background in studying the psychology of musicality, he is eager to contribute to the study of aesthetic experiences in the context of social psychology. Pedro has worked on the TWF-project in 2020.

Lucas Haraped

  • Lucas, born in Munich, is currently completing a Master’s degree in Psychology at the University of Innsbruck. After working as an intern in the field of experimental psychology early in his bachelor’s program, his research as part of Prof. Pierre Sachse's student research team (General Psychology at the University of Innsbruck, Austria) is now focused on social cognition and gaze behavior in social interactions using eye tracking methods. Through his experience as a musician (drums) for several years he is also interested in research on music perception. He supported the team as a student assistant by developing e-learning materials for the lecture on the social psychology of music in 2019.

Moritz Hebel-Haug

  • Moritz was born in Munich. He obtained his B.Sc. in Psychology at the University of Innsbruck and completed his master's thesis about the perception of art photography in 2019. His main research interest lies in the intersection between photography and psychology. He also studied at “Ostkreuzschule for Photography” in Berlin to improve his photographic skills. Other areas of interest include mindfulness and aesthetics. Moritz worked as a student assistant in the project seminar on empirical aesthetics in 2019.

Niklas Kho

  • Niklas worked as student assistant and tutor to support the development of the lecture on the social psychology of music in 2018.

Bianca Kreft

  • Bianca was born in Steinfurt, Germany. She is 24 years old and studies Psychology in the second semester of the Master’s program. In 2018, she received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from UMIT – the health and life sciences university in Hall in Tirol, where she also worked as a student assistant at the Institute of Psychology. She worked in the field of Cognition & Action and her Bachelor’s thesis dealt with cognitive bias. Her personal empirical interests include psychological help for people with disabilities, first aid after traumatic crises and psychooncology. She has worked as a tutor in the field of developmental psychology and as a student assistant in the project seminar on empirical aesthetics. For her near future, she is also planning a semester abroad.

Felix Leitner

  • Felix finished the Higher Technical College in Innsbruck before studying Psychology. He specialized in Computer Science and Communication Technology, where basic computer knowledge, programming and database management were taught. Having these abilities was crucial for his role in the project seminar on empirical aesthetics in 2019. Felix got interested in psychology because he wanted to work with and help other people. Ever since he started studying in Innsbruck, he has wanted to be part of a project like the one performed in the project seminar, and also being a musician, the topic of empirical aesthetics just immediately grabbed his attention.

Jana Müller

  • Jana is currently studying Psychology at the University of Innsbruck in the second semester of her Master's degree. She received her Bachelor of Science at UMIT – the health and life science university in Hall, Tyrol (September 2018). During this time she gained research experience through an internship dealing with the topic of human risk behavior in road traffic. She also worked for one and a half years as a student assistant. Her research interests lie in the fields of socio-psychological and clinical topics. Other interests include reading, hiking, yoga and skiing. She worked as a student assistant for the project seminar on empirical aesthetics in the summer term 2019.

Franziska Ohm

  • Franziska completed a Master's Degree in Psychology at the University of Innsbruck in January 2020, having worked on music and facial attractiveness (TWF project) for her master's thesis project. After her studies she wants to become a psychotherapist. Her main interests are clinical psychology and social psychology, especially psychoanalytic thoughts about the individual and society. Among other things, she has participated in fundamental research on human thinking. Furthermore, her interests in music (member of a chamber choir, soprano) increases the motivation and pleasure in participating in music research projects.

Sarah Örley

  • Sarah is currently studying Psychology and Sociology at the University of Innsbruck and also attending a university course to become a psychotherapist (Psychotherapeutisches Propädeutikum). In her spare time she is playing volleyball in the first Austrian Volleyball-League. She is very interested in social research, data analysis and statistics. In summer/fall 2019 she evaluated a new system for written exams in large groups funded by the ProLehre initiative of the university.

Ines Rathgeber

  • Ines, after having finished her bachelor program in Education Science, is currently studying Psychology and a Master's program in Education Science at the University of Innsbruck. Her interest in music and its importance in social life, as well as empirical methods led her to the participation in music research projects. As a member of the university choir she pursues her passion for singing and music in her spare time. Ines supported the team as an intern during the summer and winter terms 2020 and worked on the TWF-project.

Ann-Kathrin Rüger

  • Ann-Kathrin was born in Ingolstadt, Germany. She is currently studying Psychology as an undergraduate in her second year at the University of Innsbruck. When being in her hometown, she voluntarily supports the youth work in her church, as she did during her school years. In her spare time, she enjoys playing the piano and singing in the university choir as well as skiing with her friends. She is also taking an Austrian sign language class since last year. She supported the team as a research intern in 2019.

Daniela Schwarz

  • Daniela is a student of the Bachelor Program Psychology at the University of Innsbruck. Since April 2019 she has been a research intern in the Group of Social Psychology and participates in music-psychological projects. In the winter term 2019/20, she worked as a tutor for the lecture on the social psychology of music. She is interested in research about the origin and function of human music.

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